miercuri, 7 martie 2012

Excuse the absence

I've been very busy these days, with school stuff, work & I've taken a short vacation during the weekend. So, this weekend I spent a wonderful time with my friends, partying, near Cluj-Napoca and although I wanted to, I wasn't able to post anything because of the bad internet connection. Photos from my weekend will be uploaded soon! For this short post I decided to upload a picture of my beautiful new dress that cost only about 15 euros, give or take. I bought it from a cute store called "Motanul Incaltat", which sounds like "Puss-in-Boots". You can find there all sort of great stuff and shoes at reasonable prices.
I will son post "Affordable Fashion" and show you my other acquisitions.

Zilele astea am fost foarte ocupata cu scoala, serviciul si o mini-vacanta de weekend, la o cabana aproape de Cluj-Napoca, alaturi de prietenii mei. Din cauza conexiuni proaste de internet, nu am reusit sa postez imaginile de la cabana cu privelistea grozava si deliciosul gulas (facut de prietena mea Olimpia). Pentru acest post scurt si la obiect am ales sa postez o poza cu noua mea rochie, la numai 50 lei, achizitionata de la magazinul "Motanul Incaltat". Pentru detalii legate de acest magazin, contactati-ma.
Urmatorul post "Affordable Fashion" va contine toate lucrurile pe care mi le-am achizitionat la preturi uimitoare de-a lungul timpului.


Navy Blue Dress

Un comentariu:

  1. really nice images!! love it :))

