duminică, 26 februarie 2012


Before my outfit posts, I've decided to create a collage of my favorites styles. For this, I chose photos of celebrities with all sorts of fashion tastes, that caught my eye.
"Whether it's love or war you're outfiting for, thank God for friends & fashion"GG -for some reason I felt the need of revealing this quote, considering the fact that today's post will reveal a bit of my personal style and my friends'. Let me know if we have similar taste. 

Inainte de a incepe serios sa postez propriile mele tinute, m-am gandit sa creez un colaj, care sa contina majoritatea stilurilor si look-urilor care m-au impresionat. Pentru asta, am ales poze cu diverse celebritati.
Pe langa acest "colaj", voi posta si cateva poze cu mine si prietenele mele, care vor dezvalui putin din stilul fiecareia.

<3 dress
necklace =P~
great everyday style

all time favorite top

Stella McCartney Dress


summer perfect look

<3 trousers and hot pink-whie combination

How about loveable "coat" and the electric blue?

<3 dress

I've developed an obsession for this dress.

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